

Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Planets

My trainer/mentor/friend, Carol Scarrett of Western Montessori Teachers' College, sent me an email the other day with these amazing pictures attached.

I have no idea where they came from or if I am violating copyright laws…..but I think I feel a work coming on!


Leptir said...

I received this email few months ago and I presented it in my class during our project about the universe. :-)

C. Dyer said...

Yes. Those pictures are just too good NOT to present somehow. I'd love to hear more about your presentation.

Leptir said...

I printed pictures from presentation and show them to children during our circle time. I actually forgotten about that mail, but one girl remainded me when she asked me about big stars (when I was talking about the black holes, I mentioned that our Sun is medium sized star and can't create black hole after explosion). Next day I was showing those pictures and it was perfect because the whole Universe theme is little apstract for little children ( I have class with 25 kids 2,5-5,5 y.o.)

C. Dyer said...

Thank you very much for sharing this with us!

Leptir said...

You're welcome :-)